Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to be 'there' in what we call LIFE

What is life without imagining? What is the use of imagination without faith?
What is faith without hope? What is hope without GOD???
All are questions which have crossed my mind for some time now and have been troubling me and I would fancy calling them extremely crucial, in the sense that one without the other means that life does not realise its purpose. Thus this makes it worthless to say the least. For instance, if you utilise your time imagining the outcome of acertainthing without faith, it will only lead to the development of excrutiating painin one`s heart which will not be a matter of anyone`s hinderance towards your success, but simply because of the inability of one`s imagination not linking with a creature known as 'faith'.

On the other hand, imagination without adequate implementation of strategic plans and forecasts will lead to a life which is lived on the edge of a toadstool which is ridiculously impossible. Imagination and predetermined outcomes may be the present but the poor execution of such, only leads to a short, unpredictable life-cycle of one`s life. This is very true in the business arena where business practising personnel may suffer the consequences only when they have noticed the results of say introducing a new product out in the market.
The product being perfect, projected sales and income - superb - but the problem being that it was not introduced properly to the market which could have lead to negative responses by the people. It is the RIGHT - IDEA - WRONG - APPROACH principle I must say.
So basically before the execution of agood imagination would have to be the execution of a tremendously strong faith which would support the implementation of such ideas. By this, one would be in a better position of trying to realise where they stand in their life.

I believe that life can only be a life worth living if one needs and wants it to be right. It`s a matter of controlling our own destiny through the power invested and instilled in us by the words we speak which are as a result of the choices we make.

The Reason WHY...

At times I think to myself and wonder why most people in the business arena spend large chunks of thier time attending conferences and seminars where they reach a certain level where they are totally obsessed with these. And I wonder why? I convince myself that they are actually progressing at an abnormally fast pace towards the peak of fulfilling their purpose in life. By listening to the views and opinions of those who are conducting and orchestrating such programs of further development, one is laid directly in front of them the opportunity of being able to gain practical, analytical, observatory, on-the-job skills. These improve the individuals present as a whole if and only when implemented. Only when that person chooses to use that information donated to him. Whether this information and data are presented holistically and/or otherwise, and whether it is used to the benefit of himself or of others, the end result I can boldly say is that it would have made a difference. A positive change in most cases towards the approach of how life in the form of the ability of one to tackle tasks that usually come to us in this strange but sure world of ours. Things will flow and I must say the flow will be a swift, sleek and smooth one too. I mean HEY...
Ponder On It or Not...

Association:With Whom & How?

In life, the association with people whose values, ideas and directions are able to influence your own in a positive manner is ideal. This association is usually contributed by having a good relationship with family. Family, ranging from brothers, sisters, parents, close friends, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles to mention many but a few. Peers play an important role as well. However, what troubles me is that society; especially the mindset and ideological perceptions view bad or negative decisions, actions, habits and characters as those created from peer pressure. Negative peer pressure that is. It is extremely troubling and I for one believe that there is no such thing. Underdeveloped nations tend to be mere ignoramuses, coercing themselves to think in such ways then end up playing the blame game when a fellow nation has such an impact towards them which will only lead to further conflict of interests being created amongst our brothers. Once this has happened they fail to realize that the sole reason why they would have put themselves in that ‘bad place’. This ‘bad place’ being the further underdevelopment of underdeveloped nations. Thus there is a crucial need to have a belief that when interacting with those whom you are both familiar with and not, believe in yourself that you can sift the information that they are feeding you. By analyzing what they tell you thus you have to try to realize that what need is actually driving them to spill out what exactly they are saying. You have to be able to divert the energy coming from them which is usually from a potential destructive-to-a constructive form. Their intentions are mostly in the form of hidden reasons, so one has to be careful in spotting them. Once this is done you can be assured in realizing that does this individual have the potential to cause further confusion in your life or not. People therefore are influential in ways that you need and want them to be. By this thinking, an individuals way of doing things may change for the betterment of not only himself but of society as a whole which can only lead to the enhancement of this creature known as development especially in for those in the lesser developed world.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Success Right?

This creature known as success has embraced our society in many forms and has made the majority believe that there are pre-set, specific rules which have to be followed and maintained in order for one to be successful.
This ha proved - unfortunately I must say - to be very true. True not to me, but to those whom have chosen to believe it and I must sayit is working extremely well for them. The circulation of claims such as, ''...with no interdependency shown, no-one individual can yield sound results in whichever activity he or she is involved in...'' They are 'claims' as I have noted because if one is to carry out his or her day-to-day operations of the industry called life solely great results and achievements can come from such individuals.
I for one am proof of what a sole propietorship of one`s own life can produce. I say this because as all Christians know, each one of us has the Holy Spirit in us who has the capacity to mould us in ways to become unique individuals who can realise their potential when the time for us comes to be able to choose the alternative to be alone highly successful peoples. we have to realise that if we associate with our personal self (our inner being) we can excel. This thinking we are to have is not an individualistic approach to life but think of it as a utilitarianistic approach towards oneswholeself. How?
Ponder On It or Not...