Sunday, October 25, 2009

Association:With Whom & How?

In life, the association with people whose values, ideas and directions are able to influence your own in a positive manner is ideal. This association is usually contributed by having a good relationship with family. Family, ranging from brothers, sisters, parents, close friends, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles to mention many but a few. Peers play an important role as well. However, what troubles me is that society; especially the mindset and ideological perceptions view bad or negative decisions, actions, habits and characters as those created from peer pressure. Negative peer pressure that is. It is extremely troubling and I for one believe that there is no such thing. Underdeveloped nations tend to be mere ignoramuses, coercing themselves to think in such ways then end up playing the blame game when a fellow nation has such an impact towards them which will only lead to further conflict of interests being created amongst our brothers. Once this has happened they fail to realize that the sole reason why they would have put themselves in that ‘bad place’. This ‘bad place’ being the further underdevelopment of underdeveloped nations. Thus there is a crucial need to have a belief that when interacting with those whom you are both familiar with and not, believe in yourself that you can sift the information that they are feeding you. By analyzing what they tell you thus you have to try to realize that what need is actually driving them to spill out what exactly they are saying. You have to be able to divert the energy coming from them which is usually from a potential destructive-to-a constructive form. Their intentions are mostly in the form of hidden reasons, so one has to be careful in spotting them. Once this is done you can be assured in realizing that does this individual have the potential to cause further confusion in your life or not. People therefore are influential in ways that you need and want them to be. By this thinking, an individuals way of doing things may change for the betterment of not only himself but of society as a whole which can only lead to the enhancement of this creature known as development especially in for those in the lesser developed world.

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